Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reviewing the Precarious life of Judith Butler.....

Judith Butler made many good point in her book that we read. When I initially read this reading i think that I misunderstood the point that she was trying to make and was to quick to judge her. I just focus on her argument of the 9/11 Israeli/Palestinian conflict that she discusses at the beginning.“The articulation of this hegemony takes place in part through producing a consensus on what certain terms will mean, how they can be used, and what lines of solidarity and implicitly drawn through this use.  We reserve “acts of terror” for events such as the September 11 attack on the United States, distinguishing these acts of violence from those that might be justified through foreign policy decisions or public declarations of war”. (Butler 4) I think that Giuliani was being somewhat foolish in his explanation as to why he did not accept the money from the Saudi prince. We have to be careful and more open minded to other individual that come from different culture and a different country. We should strive to relate were and are the same and understand our difference so that we can unite together in a peaceful nonviolent fashion.

Video of Judith discussing in depth some of her ideas from Precarious Life.

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