Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fanzt Fanons diagnosis of the violence of decolonization. “Decolonization never takes place unnoticed, for it influences individuals and modifies them fundamentally. It transforms spectators crushed with their inessentiality into privileged actors, with the grandiose glare of history’s flood light upon them”.  (Fanon 1) I think that taking and attacking someone culture, religion or any personal belief or value that person has is a very violent matter. To take away or diminish the importance of such things is destructive to the soul of that individual. In brought me back to when the pilgrims came to America. Eventually the grew and populated and took over and destroyed a civilization. My history teach identified this pattern that can be seen all through out history as the "white man burden". These European countries seeing the need to colonize other parts of the world to supposedly help the tribe and people who are living in the area when the real reason is the greedy desire to attain there natural resources and control the sea trade market.

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